Ngày Tự do Báo chí thế giới và các chủ đề Ngày Tự do Báo chí thế giới

  • 2014: Paris, Pháp - "Media Freedom for a Better Future:Shaping the post-2015 Development Agenda"
  • 2013: San José, Costa Rica - "Safe to Speak: Securing Freedom of Expression in All Media" [3]
  • 2012: Tunis, Tunisia - "New Voices: Media Freedom Helping to Transform Societies"
  • 2011: Washington D.C., Hoa Kỳ - "21st Century Media: New Frontiers, New Barriers-"
  • 2010: Brisbane, Úc - "Freedom of information: the right to know".
  • 2009: Doha, Qatar - "Dialogue, mutual understanding and reconciliation."
  • 2008: Maputo, Mozambique - "Celebrating the fundamental principles of press freedom."
  • 2007: Medellín, Colombia - "The United Nations and the freedom of press."
  • 2006: Colombo, Sri Lanka - "The media as drivers of change."
  • 2005: Dakar, Senegal - "Media and Good Governance".
  • 2004: Belgrade, Serbia - "Who decides how much information?".
  • 2003: Kingston, Jamaica - "The Media and Armed Conflict."
  • 2002: Manila, Philippines - "Covering the War on Global Terrorism."
  • 2001: Windhoek, Namibia - "combating racism and promoting diversity: the role of free press."
  • 2000: Genève, Thụy Sĩ - "Reporting the News in a Dangerous World: The Role of the Media in conflict settlement, Reconciliation and peace-building."
  • 1999: Bogota, Colombia - "Turbulent Eras: Generational Perspectives on Freedom of the Press."
  • 1998: Luân Đôn, Anh - "Press Freedom is a Cornerstone of Human Rights."

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